We all curate. Familiar oeuvres of what we decide to post publicly can be found on various social networking sites such as Instagram or Facebook. Behind the act of display there are curatorial processes in who we post to and and who's posts we follow. Purposefully or not we create juxtapositions, metaphors, and story lines - a practice that is more familiar to a curator of art. In "Displayers" we are interested in putting the process of curation, meaning, and interpretation on display.

Displayers invites some of Milwaukee's prominent artists to provide 10 of their personal objects. There were no rules given on what objects to choose, just that they had to be each individual artist's own personal property. Each artist's objects displayed anonymously. Curated by Debra Brehmer, Sara Krajewski, Mark Lawson, John Riepenhoff, Lynne Shumow and Lisa Sutcliffe. This show was curated witht hte purpose of making a work that explores the process of curation and how it leads to meaning in an exhibition.